Thursday, December 31, 2009

How to ask for and recognise Guidance:

1. Ask

3. Let it happen.

4. Say thank you.

Guidance comes in many forms, designed to bring us great joy, comfort and purpose, but some of the most telling aspects of Divine Guidance are:

Open to Guidance

Open to Guidance

Photo info

  • It is always positive and loving in nature
  • It will be repeated for you if at first you do not pay attention
  • It will never stop … not ever
  • It comes to you directly from God, via the Angelic realm, your Guardian angels, and your guides.
  • It is accompanied buy feelings of Peace, warmth, security, and somehow just feels right even when it makes no sense at all.

You may experience others signs so be open and allow yourself to believe.

We are lovingly guided for the express purpose of serving our highest potential, as we journey into wholeness. Your journey is sacred and important to the entire planet’s evolution. Did you know that?

All these Loving, supportive beings have all been created by God/Universal One Mind/ Creator/Great Spirit (whatever term you resonate with, go with)

If you have one, stay with the Religion you love, there is no need change or to drop out of your life. Our Guidance is a blessing, it adds to our lives, not removes from our lives.

Because we all have Free Will, we must ASK. This can be as simple as “angels, please help me. ” I always add: “or something better”, “without delay” after I ask. Just in case I am limiting myself without realising it, and of course, “thank you” is the perfect way to finish. Now, let it go (this is important, for if a thing is held onto tightly, how can it be transformed?), and watch as your needs are met, sometimes in wonderfully unusual ways.

It really is as easy as that

Would you like proof of your Guidance? Just ask the angels (this includes your Guardian angels and Archangels) or your Guides
for a sign in the physical world that you absolutely will recognise.

You will receive your sign! It is best not to limit your signals by asking for a red car to drive by your house at 11 am for example.
Just leave it to the angels

There are many ways of asking for assistance or guidance, so be creative!

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