Thursday, December 31, 2009

angels and angel readings: how that can help me in the current recession?

angels and angel readings: how can they help me in the current recession?

How could an angel reading possibly be of any value to me or my family, or help us get through the recession?

Good question, and here is the answer: an angel reading, sometimes known as a psychic reading, will absolutely help you by giving you very specific guidance on what to do, where to get help, who to ask for help and how to recognise that help or assistance when it shows up -and it will show up.

We are safe and protected – no matter what outward appearances may be!

Now, there are an amazing number of angels who specialise in key areas. For example:

Archangel Chamuel is the ‘finding’ angel and knows where everything is located!

This applies to finding a job, and not just any job mind you, but a job that matches your interests, experience, passion, life purpose etc. (Call on Archangel Jopiel to help beautify your thoughts if you feel ’stuck’ in the worry habit)

Chamuel will also help you find your car keys, a parking space conveniently located near your destination, a friend if you are feeling in need of one (or more) – maybe you are new in town and don’t know anyone yet.

Want more examples? OK: A good book on any subject, the right school, University or Collage to either begin or continue your education if you are moving, or perhaps you are a mature age student.

How about finding a buddy for your child who shares her interest in stamp collecting, or singing, or history. Whatever you need, you can call on Chamuel for help for whatever it is you may need or want - Ask Chamuel (Shh- am- u-el) and no, it doesn’t matter how you pronounce his name, he knows you’re talking (or thinking, or writing) to him.

We are all totally supported by the angels

Chamuel is your own Personal Assistant, ready to go to work for you at a moments notice, 27/7 – and he works for free!

Asking and then a simple act of gratitude – such as “thank you” is all it takes to keep you in the flow, and kick start the Law of Attraction in the most beautiful ways.

I always ask something like this - “Chamuel, thank you for finding me the perfect lap top, with everything I need, at a price I easily afford, conveniently located – or something better, without delay – thank you!”

Archangel Micheal:

Archangel Michael is a wonderful and trusted ally, friend, companion and faithful body guard. Think this sounds like an episode of the delusional? Well, it’s all true; Michael boosts courage, removes fear
and protects us in times of …. everything!

This includes fears surrounding all recession related issues like job loss, paying bills, keeping families feeling safe and protected etc.

Ask Michael to cut away any worry or fear-based thoughts, as our worry keeps us connected to that which we fear, and as you may know, what we resist, persists. Its as simple as “Michael, thank you for removing all attachments and fears I may have that are draining my energy, and making me fear-full. Thank you!”

Recommendation: Angel therapy CD by Doreen Virtue Ph.D available from (or .com)

Call on Michael to help you in every single situation, in every moment of your day (and night) and you will feel his strength and power envelope you and boost your feelings of safety and protection … and yes, this does include feeling victim to the current recession and all that seems to include. Michael definitely knows how to , and will, lead us in the safest possible directions, actions, routes etc, and help steer us clear of dangerous, or fearful situtations. Now, remember, this means that first we must ask (because of free will issues, here is a guide), so, ask, then pay attention to your thoughts, gut feelings, signs, dreams etc as everything is sent to assist us by pointing us in the best directions.

Archangel Michael is considered in many Christian circles as the patron saint of the warrior. Police officers and soldiers, particularly paratroopers and fighter pilots, regard him as their patron.

Michale is also a leader among Archangels and the Guardian Angel of planet earth.

Call on Michael to help alleviate all fears, worries etc.

Michael is an absoluet gem when it comes to calming children/teens, especially if your child is fearful on going to sleep at night.

I have friends who swear by this simple method of helping their children, and in fact their kids just won’t got to sleep until they have called him, then it’s a sound nights sleep where once there were nightmares, scary monsters, something under the bed etc!

One young man I knew had such frightening nightly dreams that he was very depressed and unable to cope in day to day life due to the fear he experienced each and every night. Out of desperation, he began to call on Michael for protection.

He was amazed at the instant results, and he slept soundly for the first time is oh-so-long. His life improved 1000%, his depression began to lift and life seemed worth living again.

Archangel Raziel:

Call on Raziel, he knows all the secrets of the Universe and how everything works.

Archangel Raphael:

Raphael is the top Doc in Heaven, and while this may sound flippant, let me assure you I have the highest respect and and great love for him.

Please call on Raphael when healing assistance of any kind is required. Raphael works beautifully with your own Doctors and other health care professionals so it’s not an either-or situation by any means. Archangel Raphael and Archangel Michael make a powerful and dynamic team.

There are many, many, many angels. What I have provided for you is just a glimpse!

Recommended reading and other Media:

Archangels and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue Ph.D

The Lightworkere Way by Doreen Virtue Ph.D

Forgivness and Other Acts of Love by Stephanie Dowrick

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay

Angelspeake by Barbara Mark & Trudy Griswold

Please visit me at

Private Readings available

From my heart to yours …

Anayah Holily

Certified Reiki 1 1992

Certified Angel Intuitive (AI) 2003

Certified AI Advanced training 2006

Certified theatHealing 1 2009

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