Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Virtues Project - Walking In FAITH on Angel Heart Radio | Blog Talk Radio

The Virtues Project and what  Virtues mean for us in our daily lives is Anayah's guest Yvonne Woloszanskyj's topic today. Yvonne returns to INSPIRE GREATNESS - our greatness!! Yvonne is an EMPOWERING TEACHER , and and INSPIRATIONAL speaker. Call on in, come into the Chat Room, Call in, we'd Love to hear from you! (714) 583 68 58 OR  (347) 202 0232 
Yvonne: www.InspiringGreatness.com
Anayah: www.AngelLight777.com

The Virtues Project - Walking In FAITH 09/18 by Angel Heart Radio | Blog Talk Radio

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